Ardtornish Point

Ardtornish Point Lighthouse

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Ardtornish Point courtesy of Peter Williams

Ardtornish Point Courtesy of Peter Williams


This Lighthouse was established by David Stevenson in 1927 as a cast iron octagonal tower on Ardtornish point, a headland jutting out into the Sound of Mull from Morvern.  In 2001 this was replaced by a skeletal tower clad with white aluminium panels.  The solar powered light is a sectored light showing two flashes every 10 seconds, either, red, green or white, depending on the direction of approach.




A Sectored light

Two flashes Red, Green or White every 10 seconds

Ranges: White 8 nautical miles; Red and Green 5 nautical miles

Position: 56 31.09 N 005 45.21 W
