Dun Choinichean

Dun Choinichean

This dun lies about 370 m NNE of Kilbrenan Farmhouse, Loch Tuath.  It is sited on the summit of a rocky crag on the slopes of Sron Bhuidhe and is protected on the south-east side by a 4.6 m vertical rock face, from the foot of which a steep slope falls a further 8.0 m to the bank of Allt Dun Choinichean.  The slope is less abrupt on all other sides and on the north side the summit is only about 2.5 m above the surrounding ground.

The dun is irregular in shape, a 2 m to 3.4 m thick dry-stone wall surrounding an internal enclosure measuring 12 m by 6 m.  Considerable stretches of both the inner and outer facing-stones are still in position and on the west side some of the outer face survives to a height of 2 m.  Within the thickness of the wall on the north side two stretches of inward-facing revetment are assumed to represent the outer wall of an intramural gallery.

The entrance is to the WNW and is checked for a door.  The corridor measures 1.1 m wide at the inner end and 0.8 m at the outer end.  It is 1.2 m wide just inside the checks.

                          Grid Reference NM 440 430
