Dun Earba
Dun Earba
This dun lies 760 m ESE of Garmony Farmhouse near the mouth of Allt Achadh na Moine. It is situated on the seaward (east) side of the main road between Craignure and Salen at the entrance to a picnic area and car park. It is clearly marked on the information board, but is overgrown with trees, grass and bracken.
It occupies the summit of a rocky knoll on the shore and is irregular in shape. A wall of up to 2.5 m in thickness enclosed an inner area measuring 26 m by 12 m. However, the wall has been badly robed out and is now only a slight band of stony debris. The entrance is at the lower, east end of the knoll.
Grid Reference NM 676 401