Please Help Lorn Archaeological and Historical Society

After the last two years, lots of organisations are suffering from a certain amount of moribundity! MH&AS has experienced it too, but we have come through. Others, such as LAHS are struggling and, with their 60th Anniversary coming up it would be sad for all of us if they had to disband. They are hopeful that they will have enough of a skeletal committee to take them through their AGM in November and the talks they have already in the pipeline.

The remaining members of LAHS are reaching out to anyone in the local (Oban) heritage community who might know people with the interest and a little bit of time to help support LAHS admin over the next few months to keep the Society from being dissolved. It’s not an onerous job but is important in keeping the society alive.

If you can help, even in the short-term, please contact them at <>

Archaeological excavations, archaeologists work, dig up an ancient clay artifact with special tools in soil