Dun Breac

Dun Breac

This fort is located about 460 m north of Ardvergnish farmhouse on the lower slopes of Beinn nan Gobhar.  It occupies the summit of a rocky boss and is protected by steep slopes on the south side.  However, the summit rises only 10 m above the surrounding ground on the north side and as little as 4 m on the west and east.

The fort is oval in plan, the single stone wall surrounding an area measuring 39 m by 25 m.  The wall varies between 2 m and 4 m in thickness.  Numerous stretches and single stones remain in place in both the inner and outer surfaces.  The core material stands 1.25 m high.  The entrance is on the north-east side and is 1.5 m wide.

On the south-east side a relatively recent enclosure wall crosses the fort wall.

                         Grid Reference  NM 537 300
